Friday, April 25, 2008

Out of the storm!

School has consumed most of my time over the last two months. Endless hours of reading, web posting and paper writing have led to the scarcity of blogging of late. This kind of busyness had led to breakfasts for dinner, mounting piles of paper all over the house, growing laundry piles and basically ignoring whatever is not necessary. Even running and yoga have fallen into those categories on too many occasions. My two essential life giving practises have been overtaken by paper deadlines! Uggh!

No longer - I have come out of the storm! Hallelujah! I submitted my final paper on Tuesday – I expected to feel elation and boundless energy but instead my body became consumed with unbelievable fatigue and a great desire to sleep. Instead of feeling frustrated by my listlessness, for once I need to honour the need for my body and mind to recover from the last four months. Of course, I still have an astounding ‘to do’ list (as you may recall, I am somewhat fanatical about lists..) of all the things that I have not had the time to do over the last semester! Most of the list is filled up with house chores, gardening chores, banking tasks and the like… I had planned on scheduling these tasks on my few days off next week. At the top of the list, I think I need to focus on the ME tasks and then whatever else gets done is a bonus……sleep, eat well, do your yoga practise………read fiction (yes!)…….perhaps then my energy will surge back to what I once knew it to be.