- I could have a shower without having to place Ellie in her bouncy chair right beside the bathtub so that I could keep her entertained.
- I could have a shower EVERY morning without having to frantically get Ellie fed and Otis out the door for his walk. I never would have thought that becoming a mother meant sacrificing your own personal hygiene on occasion but admittedly there have been days that by the time I have a minute to myself (after the wee one is in bed) I am just too knackered to bother.
- My day was not a constant cycle of feeding Ellie, diaper changes, laundry and dog walking. I actually got to do a few things in between!
- I could eat my dinner sitting down - as opposed to my usual scarfing at the kitchen counter.
- I could go for a run without having to take Otis and Ellie together!! For once, running was once again a stress release and not stressful!
- I could go grocery shopping without baby attached to chest and get everything done in less than 30 minutes!
I don't know how many times over the last few years that I've said goodbyes at the airport but I can tell you it's that much harder to do when you've got a dog and baby at home. I feel bad for Dad not being able to experience the daily joys that Ellie brings into my life and I feel bad for Otis not having all of us around. I think Otis is probably the most sensitive one of us all and he mopes around the house the week after Dad leaves. It's as if he knows that it's back to running and walking with the stroller in tow and no crazy trail runs until Dad comes back. It must be weird for the little guy not knowing when he will return! At least I know that part and I look forward to when we can be a family again soon.......