Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dreaming of Trails - 1 Week After Knee Surgery

It has been over a year since my last post. I can't believe this much time has whizzed by - it has been a very full year and a time of much transition! Moving, returning to work and grad school after maternity leave, learning how to live as a family after many months spent in separate provinces and adjusting to injury! Yes, I'm back to where I started this blog over two years ago - with a pain in my left knee!

Only this time, I'm one week into rehabbing from arthroscopic surgery that repaired my medial meniscus. Running has always been my joy, my escape, my social time, my sanity and my way of connecting with nature. I have been without that joy since last August - a stupid fall left my knee twisted, bloody and with a torn meniscus. The whole experience was rather deflating considering that I had spent considerable time building my running back up to a pre-pregnancy state. Let me be clear - I am ever so grateful for what my body can do with or without a torn meniscus. That being said, nothing replaces the freedom that comes from running - moving your body like it was meant to move. This movement - this freedom - it is part of our nature.

After many months of waiting to for an MRI, appointments with sports medicine doctors and finally, with an orthopaedic surgeon, my running shoes sat there - clean and lonely on the shoe rack. Yoga practise has kept my mind from cracking and I'm hoping it has kept my body strong enough for a speedy rehab. I was awed by the fact that Jane Benoit won the U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials for women in 1984 in Olympia, WA only 17 days after arthroscopic surgery. I don't even expect to start running in 17 days but if I can start running in twice that time, I'd be ecstatic.

So, here I go again. I have the same goal as when I started this blog - the Knee Knacker trails are in my back yard and I still aim to run this race one day. For now though, I will keep my humility. My first goal is to rehab my knee to the point that I can start running again. Then, who knows - I'm hoping that both my knees and the rest of my middle age bod have lots of trail running years ahead.

This blog continues to be an account of my return to running and my inspirations for running along with the usual ramblings associated with my perspectives on life, yoga and running as I balance grad school, work and parenthood and all the other stuff that life throws at us.