Monday, February 11, 2008

Blowing Snow and 30 Below

The bite of 30 below experienced in Moose Jaw this weekend is a brand new experience for this chickadee. I'd like to say that I'm unlikely to repeat the experience any time soon but I have a few work trips that are going to take me into the northern cold this month. That kind of cold with the wind chill dropping temperatures even further makes it feel like your face is going to freeze off within seconds. The frost bite warning was 10 minutes but with my circulation, 10 minutes sounds like an eternity.

You guessed right that my workouts took me indoors this weekend. Eighty minutes on a treadmill made me feel a bit hamster-ish but I was happy to be over with the viral evil that took me out last week and thrilled to get in some good mileage without any knee pain. I suppose those boring physio exercises are doing me some good. Also, with Tim running along beside me on his own treadmill, how could I complain?

As much as Saskatchewan winters inspire me to dream of palm trees and warm surf, it's hard to come home when you're leaving someone behind. I'm thankful that my other running partner, albeit he has 4 legs instead of 2, was here to greet me back to Vancouver where to no surprise, it's as wet and grey as when I left. Geez...30 below doesn't sound all that bad.


  1. Hey Baby, I'm glad you made it home safe! Only a few guys got to fly today, and I wasn't one of them (I hate the weather here) ... spent to the afternoon studying, so I should be well-prepared for tomorrow! I miss you already!

  2. Oh that sucks! Well, you will be well prepared to rock your test. Hope you get to fly tomorrow. XO
