Sunday, December 14, 2008

Tackling the Muffin Top

Wow! I feel human again! With Ellie sleeping a little longer during the day, I escaped the house for my first gym workout! Just little person or doggy in tow. Okay...I did have my phone with me and the gym is only 5 minutes away from home but truly, it was a bit of a thrill to be doing something purely for myself. Is that selfish?

The workout was indeed humbling but it felt so good to get a sweat from moving my deteriorating muscles! I have been walking and doing a few push ups and planks here and there but until now, I have not had the opportunity to focus on exercise for a continuous hour!

I remember once not understanding someone when they told me they suffered from "muffin top" syndrome. At the time, I had never heard the phrase before. Now, not only do I understand the phrase.... I fully embody the phrase except that I think my body shape has taken on a much more doughy appearance...kind of like bread with too much yeast rising over the pan. We don't have any full length mirrors in our house so despite my current awareness of my jelly belly, I was a bit shocked to see the full size reflection of myself in the wall mirrors at the gym. Disheartening but motivating at the same time.

I did a really light cardio workout on the cross trainer and rowing machine (still don't feel up for running) and a few weights (squats, back and core exercises). I felt like I wanted to do more but I was cautious not to push too hard - thankfully I didn't push harder as I can barely lift my arms today. The soreness in my butt and thighs is confirmation that there is still a little tiny bit of muscle left in those places. Still a long way to go but it's a start!

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