Monday, February 16, 2009

Fitting Fitness In

I remember once giving a presentation on "Fitting in Fitness" several years ago. I don't think I really knew the true challenges of fitting in physical activity until now. If I were to give that presentation today, I think I could do a much better job and probably relate to a larger audience. So, speaking from experience as a single mom (temporary single mom)of baby Ellie and doggy Otis, here are a few ways that I'm trying to fit in fitness. No....these methods are not going to bring me across any epic finish lines but they are going to keep me, Ellie and Otis happy until it's perhaps more realistic to think about say, the next marathon.

1. Walk with the Stroller. Ellie is too young to run so we do lots of walking throughout the day. The walks are primarily for Otis so he can get out and play but at the same time, Ellie gets a much needed nap and I get some fresh air and a bit of exercise.

2. Say yes, when you really want to say..."No, it's okay...I can manage". I am not good at asking for help. I never have been. But, these days...I'm getting better at it. On occasion, I have been fortunate to have friends watch Ellie, while Otis and I head to the beach for a run. Sure, I could go do groceries or clean the house, or a million other things but I choose to run. Even though I'm slow and out of running condition, it feels great. Running reminds me of all the great fortunes in my life. I return feeling grateful for my health, my body (post partum flab and all) my life and everyone in it. Running also keeps me striving to become someone that I am still yet to be.

3. Try out a Yoga DVD. I've tried to resume my own yoga practise but as I've mentioned before, Ellie gets pretty bored watching me do sun salutations. However, she appears to be entertained and somewhat soothed by hearing someone else talk through a series of yoga postures on the beach or in the rain forest. In fact, she has already started doing her own version of happy baby pose.

4. Try the Smart Gym. I recently purchased a Smart Gym from Twist Conditioning. It's really just a couple of tubes with a bar attachment but I like it because you don't need a lot of space and the bar attachment increases the variety of exercises you can do. Purchase of this product gives you a free Smart Gym membership which entitles you to a new workout routine every month. The workout is not super challenging but I can mix it up by using my BOSU or by adding cardio intervals (if I'm feeling so inclined)! With Ellie's sleeping and eating schedule, I may only get to do a few exercises at a time but that leads to my next bullet...

5. Know that some is better than none. Some days 6am turns into 10pm and I realize that I've been going all day and haven't even had a shower (yeah..gross...I know!) and there's no way I'm going to fit in a workout. I do a few push ups, planks and bird dogs just so that all the baby carrying doesn't reek havoc on my posture and voila, at least I've done something!

6. Go to Mom and Me fitness classes. I never saw myself fitting into these mom groupy things but now I find myself doing just that. I found a great class where we do decent exercises with other like moms and where the coach loves babes. She'll pick up Ellie if she's fussing so in effect, I get child care as part of the workout. Not having anyone to trade off with right now, this is a big plus! Another bonus of going to these classes is meeting other new moms (yes, the ones you never thought you'd have anything in common with) and actually having some regular adult interaction!

7. Attach your bike to a trainer. My bike has not seen the pavement for some time but it has had the pleasure of seeing my backside lately. Yesterday, Ellie and I watched our video of Ironman Lake Placid while I got a little sweat going. She was completely fascinated by the swim. I can't believe that I was actually there. Seems like another life ago but it gave me some motivation to keep pedalling my stationary Devinci.

While these methods are not really going to put me in peak physical condition, they are helping me build back my fitness foundation so that when Dad comes home, we can start thinking about that marathon!

If you've got another idea, please feel free to post!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Night Sweats

With Ellie being sick this week, we never made it to our mom and me fitness classes. That meant I had to find time to fit a little sweat in somewhere else. This week, the only window for exercise was after Ellie went to bed for the night (okay, part of the night). That meant exercising at 8:30pm, 9:00pm and 10:00pm. This is coming from someone who could never ever exercise after 7pm. If it didn't happen before then, it just didn't happen. Let's just say that it takes motivation for me to get on the bike trainer at 9pm at night. Thank god for American Idol to help pass the time! (And to think I never used to have cable). One night I started a circuit workout at dog was looking at like me like I was making too much noise and disrupting his sleep! I got in a little yoga tonight at 8:30.....I remember when I used to raise at 5:00am for my daily practice! Ha ha ha...that seems like another life.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Two Little Sickies

Both Ellie and Otis are sick today. Ellie has been snuffly for the last couple days but she is still feeding well and pretty smiley throughout the day. Otis started puking this morning and vomited five times on our walk. Normally, when we return from our walks, Otis gets a treat.......he never lets me forget this part of our routine and he'll wait patiently at the kitchen steps until he gets his little dog bone. When I went to give it to him today, he didn't accept it. NEVER (other than one time when he was afraid of the vet) has he ever refused food. This makes me worry. I hope my baby and my puppy are okay.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sunshine and Sweat

When I'm running in the winter sun or under the clear starry skies, I feel like I can conquer anything. I feel so alive and so privileged to be healthy enough to run! I feel blessed to have the life that I do and the people in it. Being on my own with our three month old, I don't get much "me" time these days so I am so grateful to my friends this week for watching miss Ellie so that Otis and I could get out and run! We were fortunate to have some great weather to run in too! I am a much better human being when I can run so thank you!

We get out every day for several walks but other than that, I'm not getting much exercise since Dad is no longer around to cover me off. I set up the bike trainer and while Ellie played and I rode, we watched our first Baby Einstein DVD. Psychedelic! I have attempted to resume my regular yoga practise but Ellie doesn't find my ujayi breathing all that entertaining. She is however mesmerized by Eoin Finn's voice so I've been doing a couple of his DVD's when I get the chance. The post baby muffin top remains but it's really a small price to pay. I feel so blessed to have our beautiful Ellie in my life!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Stroller Strife

Over the last week or so, I have spent many miles walking about the neighborhood with Ellie in the stroller and Otis on his leash and have been amazed by the lack of courtesy shown to us as we try to maneuver our way through the streets and park walkways. I do my my best to stick to the side of the walkway or when necessary step off the sidewalk so that others can cross. This is not always an easy task to do when you've got a dog and baby to steer off to the side.

I think back when I was a lone runner and walker and I'm sure that I would have been the first to give an oncoming stroller the right of away just because it would have been much easier for me to step aside and around. I'm amazed that I have not been granted the same courtesy now that have dog and baby in tow. In fact, I am amazed how strangers don't even look at you in the eye as you frantically try to shuffle off to the side and make way for them. Arghhh! I know there are those of you that believe that strollers are just the hummers of the sidewalk and should be left at home. This is not always practical when a single parent of an infant has got to walk the dog. Sure...I could use the baby carrier but you try to pick up dog poop when you've got a 13 pound infant strapped to your front. It's not like I'm intentionally hogging the sidewalk so give us stroller pushing moms a little slack will ya. And maybe think about smiling once in a while.

Oh and while I'm asking Vancouverites to step it up with their social courtesies, I will also ask from one dog owner to another to please pick up your dog poop! Now that I've got a stroller to push around, I've got three more wheels that get mucked up on the stuff. It's just plain gross. Come on difficult is it?

Please and thanks.