Over the last week or so, I have spent many miles walking about the neighborhood with Ellie in the stroller and Otis on his leash and have been amazed by the lack of courtesy shown to us as we try to maneuver our way through the streets and park walkways. I do my my best to stick to the side of the walkway or when necessary step off the sidewalk so that others can cross. This is not always an easy task to do when you've got a dog and baby to steer off to the side.
I think back when I was a lone runner and walker and I'm sure that I would have been the first to give an oncoming stroller the right of away just because it would have been much easier for me to step aside and around. I'm amazed that I have not been granted the same courtesy now that have dog and baby in tow. In fact, I am amazed how strangers don't even look at you in the eye as you frantically try to shuffle off to the side and make way for them. Arghhh! I know there are those of you that believe that strollers are just the hummers of the sidewalk and should be left at home. This is not always practical when a single parent of an infant has got to walk the dog. Sure...I could use the baby carrier but you try to pick up dog poop when you've got a 13 pound infant strapped to your front. It's not like I'm intentionally hogging the sidewalk so give us stroller pushing moms a little slack will ya. And maybe think about smiling once in a while.
Oh and while I'm asking Vancouverites to step it up with their social courtesies, I will also ask from one dog owner to another to please pick up your dog poop! Now that I've got a stroller to push around, I've got three more wheels that get mucked up on the stuff. It's just plain gross. Come on people....how difficult is it?
Please and thanks.
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