Monday, February 9, 2009

Sunshine and Sweat

When I'm running in the winter sun or under the clear starry skies, I feel like I can conquer anything. I feel so alive and so privileged to be healthy enough to run! I feel blessed to have the life that I do and the people in it. Being on my own with our three month old, I don't get much "me" time these days so I am so grateful to my friends this week for watching miss Ellie so that Otis and I could get out and run! We were fortunate to have some great weather to run in too! I am a much better human being when I can run so thank you!

We get out every day for several walks but other than that, I'm not getting much exercise since Dad is no longer around to cover me off. I set up the bike trainer and while Ellie played and I rode, we watched our first Baby Einstein DVD. Psychedelic! I have attempted to resume my regular yoga practise but Ellie doesn't find my ujayi breathing all that entertaining. She is however mesmerized by Eoin Finn's voice so I've been doing a couple of his DVD's when I get the chance. The post baby muffin top remains but it's really a small price to pay. I feel so blessed to have our beautiful Ellie in my life!

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