Sunday, September 26, 2010

Running with Trepidation

In my days of personal fitness training, I have rehabbed many clients back from injury but apparently, I'm approaching my own rehab with some trepidation. At the beginning of this week, I excitedly told my physio that I was now up to running about 5 sets of a 5 minute run and a 1 minute walk. She listened, watching me finish my set of single leg plyometric exercises and continued to observe me as I jumped around on the BOSU ball on one foot. After observing a few other drills, she said "you need to push can run longer than sets of at least 20 minutes".

After two minutes of hopping around on one leg, I was thinking to myself "I am pushing myself just to fit in these physio appointments and get in a daily hour of exercise.... look at me jumping on this post-surgery leg...I'm jumping pretty high! Isn't that pushing myself?! And hey...what about the 10% rule?". I shut off my inner voice and said "okay", in part excited by the prospect of going for a real run!

So listening to the physio, I started this week running 10 minutes and walking 1 minute and ended the week with a continuous 30 minute run pushing 50 lbs of kid and stroller along with dog around my waist. The stroller was not part of the plan but hey, it was a way I could take the dog out, occupy Ellie with some new scenery, get in a run and and pick up dinner. In less than an hour, I checked three thing off my "to do" list. I'm a bit stiff (mostly my arms from pushing the stroller up hill all weekend!) but truly, I think it's my fitness level that's going to have to catch up with my new knee.

Finished off the week with a great Power Yoga class that left the positive vibrations flooding my body and mind - let's see if I can take those off the mat and into this crazy week that lays ahead. Shanti, shanti, shanti!

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