Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday Morning Runs In Sight

Okay, I'm not Jane Benoit...that part is obvious and for those that don't know me, I've already declared that these legs of mine are more penguin like than cheetah like (they can go long distances but not very fast). As mentioned in my last post, Jane won the Olympic Marathon trials just over 3 weeks after arthroscopic surgery. I'm at 7 weeks post surgery and ran for the first time today. I ran a total of 8 minutes ! Well, actually, I walked for 5 minutes and ran for 1 minute a total of 8 times! Okay, I'm still a long shot away from a marathon or a long distance trail race but it still felt great to be out running on a Sunday morning.

Seeing a runners out on the trail on a Sunday morning might have made me a little envious a few months ago. Today, I was inspired - fully energized by the fact that I will be joining them in a few months myself. For so many years of my life Sundays have always been for running - with an injury and a wee one - that hasn't been the case over the last year. However, I'm confident I'll be able to re-connect to that tradition sometime soon. I've been swimming, spinning, practising yoga and diligently doing my boring physio exercises. It's all good and progress is upward. I'm a little bit worried about fitting all this in with school starting next week but I'm hopeful!

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